Every family should have their portraits made at least once a year. A matter of fact, I think all families should have their own personal photographer (you know, like the President and his family) to follow them on vacations, field trips, promotions and just hanging out in the back yard. To capture those quiet moments. A little toddler closely inspecting a bug. Teenage siblings getting along and sharing a quiet moment. A brand new baby taking a nap. A dad showing his child how to hold a baseball. Life is full of moments that you don't even realize are happening.
So how often do you take photos of your family? Every da

y? Once a week? Only during special occasions? Some of you may be saying "I don't even own a camera". If you're that person please contact me! We've got a lot of talking to do!! So anyway, how often does your family have a formal portrait done? And I use the term formal loosely. Some folks only have their portrait done when they add a new family member. Others every 5 years or whatever increment of time suits them. I fee

l that it's very important to have a portrait done at least once a year. Portraits are a great way to chronicle our lives. It documents the funky hairstyles (and possibly changing colors), the fashions, and growth (whether it's a child growing up or an adult growing out). It's also great to leave photos behind for our great-great-great grandkids to look through and laugh at the hairstyles and fashions. Or maybe say "Hey, you've got her nose".
No matter how often you have your formal portrait done, it should be done at least once in your lifetime. And guess what....a great portrait doesn't have to be expensive!
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